Utah's Clean Cities Coalition is one of 85 coalitions around the country that's part of the U.S. Department of Energy's strategy to reduce America's dependence on imported foreign oil. We promote the following energy security strategies: alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs), low-fuel blends, fuel economy, hybrid electric vehicles and idle reduction. Locally, alternative fuels include compressed natural gas, propane, and to a lesser degree, ethanol and biodiesel.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Salt Lake County Health Department Air Quality Bureau- A Success Story
The Air Quality Bureau
Cleaning Utah’s Cities
The residents of Utah have gorgeous views of mountain ranges,
lakes, and red rock vistas. Unfortunately these sights can be covered by
inversions created in part by vehicle emissions. Utah Clean Cities Coalition
(UCCC) has actively worked with the Air Quality Bureau, of the Salt Lake County
Health Department, to reduce the detrimental effects of vehicle emissions
through many clean air initiatives.
Since UCCC’s inception in 1994, the Salt Lake County Health
Department has actively worked towards optimizing air quality to promote and
protect community and environmental health.
With this goal in mind, the Air Quality Bureau has successfully helped
implement air quality programs and has educated the community on the advantages
of natural gas and the detrimental effects of vehicle emissions.
The Air
Quality Bureau has worked to facilitate the expansion of UCCC into other areas
of the State by building relationships with organizations via the Utah
Environmental Health Association, as well as other local Health Departments.

In addition to the Idle Free Campaign, the Bureau has assisted in
other statewide efforts. The Clear the Air Challenge, of which UCCC and the
Bureau were partners, was successful with heavy support from the Bureau. In
2010, the Bureau presented the Declaration of Independence from Fossil Fuels,
which emphasizes the need to decrease our reliance on fossil fuels. Recently,
the Air Quality Bureau was able to host compressed natural gas (CNG) training
at their facility, allowing several individuals, including members of the Utah
Highway Patrol’s Vehicle Inspection Program, to become certified in inspecting
motor vehicle CNG tanks.
![]() |
Key Members of Utah Clean Cities &
Air Quality Bureau (left to right):
Richard Valentine, Robin Erickson (UCCC),
Jim Jeffries, Sophia Jackson (UCCC), Mark Bowers
The Air Quality Bureau and its members valiantly seek ways to
improve Utah’s air quality through anti-idling practices, emissions testing,
and programs to reduce our dependence on petroleum fuels.
Utah Clean Cities is fortunate to have a wonderful partner who is
dedicated to improving our community and environmental health.
Monday, December 16, 2013
2014 Idle Free Fleets Conference
Come join us at our annual Idle Free Fleets Conference! Idling your vehicles adds to the terrible air quality in the state of Utah and wreaks havoc on residents' health. Utah Clean Cities, along with the Office of Energy Development and Rio Tinto Kennecott, want to help educate fleet managers and the citizens of Utah about the benefits of anti-idling. Learn how to implement the Turn Your Key, Be Idle Free program into your fleet.
The conference includes keynote speakers and panel discussions with representatives from industries, businesses and government entities who have embraced anti-idling into their fleets and every day operations.
Registration is FREE. For more information and registration visit http://utahcleancities.org/calendar/jan-14-2014/idle-free-fleets-conference
Thursday, November 21, 2013
November Question of the Month
Question of the Month: What are the key terms to know when discussing ethanol flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs) and their fueling infrastructure?
Answer: It is important to know how to “talk the talk” when it comes to FFVs. Becoming familiar with the terms below will help you better understand these vehicles and the associated fueling infrastructure so that you can ask the right questions and make informed decisions.
FFV: An FFV is a vehicle that has an internal combustion engine and can run on E85 (defined below), gasoline, or a mixture of the two. Except for fuel system and powertrain adjustments that allow the vehicles to run on higher ethanol blends, FFVs are virtually identical to their conventional gasoline vehicle counterparts; however, drivers can expect a slightly lower fuel economy when driving on ethanol compared to gasoline, depending on the ethanol blend.
Types of Ethanol
Ethanol can be categorized into two main types based on the feedstocks used for its production:
- Starch- and sugar-based ethanol: Produced from feedstocks like corn, wheat, milo, and sugarcane, starch- and sugar-based ethanol makes up the majority of all domestic ethanol production. In fact, corn is the most common ethanol feedstock in the United States. This type of ethanol is manufactured through dry- or wet-mill processing. More than 80% of ethanol plants are dry mills due to lower capital costs. Dry-milling consists of grinding corn into flour and fermenting the mixture, resulting in distiller grain and carbon dioxide co-products. Wet mills separate the starch, protein, and fiber in corn prior to processing these components into products, such as ethanol.
- Cellulosic ethanol: Produced from feedstocks like crop and wood residues, dedicated energy crops, and industrial and other wastes, cellulosic ethanol offers advantages over starch- and sugar-based feedstocks (e.g., no concerns with food versus fuel). Feedstock components include cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Because it is more challenging to extract sugars necessary for ethanol production from these feedstocks, cellulosic ethanol is more difficult to manufacture than starch- and sugar-based ethanol. This type of ethanol can be produced through two conversion pathways:
- Biochemical: Feedstocks are pretreated to release hemicellulose sugars and then undergo hydrolysis to break cellulose into sugars. Sugars are fermented into ethanol, and lignin is recovered and used to produce energy to power the process.
- Thermochemical: Heat and chemicals are added to feedstocks to create a mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen, also known as syngas. Syngas is then mixed with a catalyst to produce ethanol.
Ethanol Blends
The following ethanol blends can be used in conventional gasoline vehicles (note model year restrictions for E15):
- E10: (10% ethanol, 90% gasoline) – E10 is classified as "substantially similar" to gasoline by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is legal for use in any gasoline-powered vehicle. More than 95% of the U.S. gasoline supply contains up to 10% ethanol to boost octane, meet air quality requirements, or satisfy the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2), which calls for 36 billion gallons of biofuels to be blended into transportation fuel by 2022. E10 must meet ASTM D4806 fuel specifications. ASTM International develops specifications for conventional and alternative fuels to ensure proper vehicle operation and safety.
- E15: (15% ethanol, 85% gasoline) – E15 is legal for use in model year 2001 and newer vehicles; however, there are several EPA and state agency requirements and regulations stations must adhere to when selling E15. Fuel producers that market E15 are required to individually register with EPA. While E15 does not qualify as an alternative fuel under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct), it does help meet RFS2. E15 must meet fuel specifications laid out in ASTM D4806 and cannot be used in motorcycles, heavy-duty vehicles, off-road vehicles, or off-road equipment.
The following ethanol blends above E15 should only be used in FFVs due to material and compatibility issues associated with the high alcohol content of ethanol:
- Mid-level blends: Blender pumps (defined below) can create various other ethanol blends between E15 and E85 (also defined below). E20 (20% ethanol, 80% gasoline) and E30 (30% ethanol, 70% gasoline) are the most common blends selected. Mid-level ethanol blends must meet fuel specifications laid out in ASTM D7794.
- E85: E85 is considered an alternative fuel under EPAct and can contain 51% to 83% ethanol, depending on geography and season. This variance in ethanol content is allowed to ensure proper starting and vehicle performance in geographic locations where cold temperatures can affect fuel properties. Though dependent on the blend, drivers can expect about 27% less energy per gallon than gasoline, resulting in a corresponding reduction in fuel economy, when using E85. E85 must meet ASTM D5798 fuel specifications.
Low-level ethanol blends up to E10 have already been incorporated into the majority of the U.S. gasoline supply, and fueling stations that supply these blends are not required to update their fueling infrastructure. Ethanol blends above E10, however, do require specific ethanol-compatible equipment, including:
· Dispensers: E85 and blender pump dispensers require specialized metals and seals to perform with high concentrations of ethanol. Permitting authorities typically require all ethanol dispensers to be UL-listed for the ethanol blend dispensed.
· Hanging hardware: Hanging hardware, including hoses, nozzles, swivels, and breakaways used to dispense ethanol blends should use ethanol compatible materials. Permitting authorities typically require hanging hardware to be UL-listed for the ethanol blend dispensed.
· Storage tanks: EPA guidance allows underground storage tank (UST) manufacturers to provide a statement of compatibility for their products with specific biofuels blends. All tank manufacturers have issued statements of compatibility with ethanol blends. For a list of UST manufacturers and their ethanol-compatibility statements, please refer to the Clean Cities Handbook for Handling, Storing, and Dispensing E85 and Other Ethanol-Gasoline Blends (http://www.afdc.energy.gov/ uploads/publication/ethanol_ handbook.pdf).
Most stations that dispense mid-level blends also have the following:
· Blender pump: This type of fuel dispenser offers FFV owners a variety of ethanol-blended gasoline products between E15 and E85. Blender pumps draw fuel from two separate storage tanks (E10 and E85) and can dispense preprogrammed blends of those fuels. Blender pumps also may be used to dispense E15 legally. Note that blender pumps currently are offered only at select fueling stations and are mainly concentrated in the Midwest. The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) Fueling Station Locator (http://www.afdc.energy.gov/ locator/stations/) includes details about E85 stations with blender pump availability.
Additional information on FFVs, ethanol feedstocks, and infrastructure can be found on the AFDC Ethanol website (http://www.afdc.energy.gov/ fuels/ethanol.html).
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Learning the Basics of Natural Gas
AVS is offering free presentations and "Natural Gas Basics 101" in the months of December, January and February.
The presentation includes topics such as Safety, Refueling, Basic Operations, OEM and Aftermarket Conversions. It is a fabulous way to introduce your employees to NGVs and to stay up to date on Natural Gas Basics.
The presentation includes topics such as Safety, Refueling, Basic Operations, OEM and Aftermarket Conversions. It is a fabulous way to introduce your employees to NGVs and to stay up to date on Natural Gas Basics.
Date: December 10th, 2013
January 7th, 2014
February 4th, 2014
Time: 9am to Noon
Light lunch will be provided with a question and answer period to follow.
5924 South 350 East
Murray UT 84107
RSVP: This class in limited to the first 10 people.
Please RSVP to scott@avs-cng.com
In View with Utah Clean Cities and Larry King
The In View TV series airs on the Discovery Channel and other cable networks. Hosted by legendary journalist and former CNN host, Larry King, the In View Series features quality educational programming on a variety of topics ranging from business and technology trends to medical technologies, travel and much more.
Utah Clean Cities strives to clear the air through idle reduction and alternative fueling. Over 300 schools have joined in the Idle Free Program, reducing pollutants by significant numbers. The Clear the Air Challenge is another successful partnership and venture UCCC took state wide.
Utah Clean Cities aims to be a positive asset to their wonderful stakeholders statewide. Thank you for your support of this venture and the ventures to come.
Watch how UCCC and its stakeholders have made an impact on Utah's air quality and environment.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
The Energy Department recently asked Argonne National Laboratory to use their expertise and brilliant skills to develop a tool to help Clean Cities stakeholders to estimate petroleum use, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, air pollutant emissions, and the cost of ownership of light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles. Using simple spreadsheet inputs, the Alternative Fuel Life-Cycle Environmental and Economic Transportation Tool is simple to comprehend and apply.
The AFLEET Tool provides three calculation methods depending on the user's goals:
- Simple Payback Calculator - estimates a simple payback of purchase of a new AFV compared to a conventional counterpart using acquisition and annual operating costs, as well as average annual petroleum use, GHGs, and air pollutant emissions.
- Total Cost of Ownership Calculator - estimates the net present value of operating and fixed costs over the years of planned ownership of a new vehicle, as well as lifetime petroleum use, GHGs and air pollutant emissions
- Fleet Energy and Emissions Footprint Calculator - estimates the annual petroleum use, GHGs and air pollutant emissions of existing and new vehicles, taking into consideration that older vehicles typically have higher air pollutant emission rates than newer ones.
Data from Argonne's Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation (GREET) tool is used, as well as Environmental Protection Agency's MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES), making AFLEET a comprehensive tool. Other sources are included as well to provide default cost data and other numbers for your fleet. Keep in mind that using your own data, true to your fleet, will calculate data closer to your needs.
Access the ready-to-go spreadsheets to generate data unique to your fleet and company on Argonne's AFLEET website to begin.
Get FREE CNG Fuel with Westport WiNG
Westport WiNG is offering free CNG fuel when you order Westport WiNG Power System Vehicles. Don't hesitate to sign up! The deadline is December 31, 2013.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
October Question of the Month
Question of the Month: How have fleets benefited from alternative fuel use during emergency situations?
Answer: Another hurricane season is upon us. As such, we are reminded of the lessons learned from Superstorm Sandy, which made landfall near Atlantic City, New Jersey last October. Specifically, alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles were able to provide critical services and assist in recovery efforts when conventional vehicles were taken out of service due to fuel shortages and power outages at fueling stations.
It has been reported that more than 20% of conventional fueling stations had no fuel as many as 11 days after the storm. Meanwhile, alternative fuel fleets were still operating. For example, the compressed natural gas (CNG) Atlantic City Jitney minibuses were assisting with evacuation and the Oyster Bay CNG refuse and dump trucks were helping with clean-up efforts. Because CNG infrastructure is typically fueled by an underground pipeline, these stations are not as dependent on fuel delivery trucks for their supply. Therefore, these fleets were able to jump into action and provide support during a difficult time. CNG was not the only alternative fuel used during the Superstorm Sandy aftermath. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey continued their use of biodiesel blends without fuel supply interruptions. For a video summarizing the use of alternative fuel vehicles after Superstorm Sandy, see the following MotorWeek story:http://www.afdc.energy.gov/ case/1323.
Emergency situations can include natural disasters, such as hurricanes, flooding, tornados, earthquakes, and wildfires. However, they also include systems and infrastructure failures, pandemics, and physical or cyber attacks. To that end, the Valley of the Sun Clean Cities Coalition in Phoenix, Arizona is working with the Arizona Department of Emergency Management to encourage fuel diversity in an area of the country that is vulnerable to fuel shortages due to pipeline ruptures.
How can we learn from these experiences?
- Incorporate alternative fuels into emergency planning efforts.
- Energy Assurance Plans. Through the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) State Energy Assurance Program provided grants to 48 states to develop or update their Energy Assurance Plans. The goal of these plans is to ensure secure and reliable energy infrastructure that will allow for rapid restoration and recovery in the case of an emergency. As such, many state plans champion fuel diversity and include a shift to alternative transportation fuels to reduce petroleum demand, manage fuel supply, and maintain essential public needs during emergency situations. State energy offices are encouraged to revisit and update their plans frequently. As alternative fuel infrastructure expands in your area, Clean Cities coalitions are encouraged to get in touch with their state energy office to incorporate alternative fuels into their Energy Assurance Plan. For more information, see the DOE State Energy Assurance Program website: http://energy.gov/oe/services/
energy-assurance/emergency- preparedness/state-and-local- energy-assurance-planning. The National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) Energy Assurance Planning website (http://www.naseo.org/ energyassurance) is also a useful resource.
- Disaster Preparedness Plans. In addition to energy planning, state offices and agencies of emergency management have overarching plans to manage emergency situations. Alternative fuel and advanced vehicles can also play an important role in these strategies. To find your state emergency management office, visit the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) website: http://www.fema.gov/state-
offices-and-agencies- emergency-management.
- Work with stakeholders to educate them on the benefits of alternative fuels in emergency situations. Tell them the stories about alternative fuel use during Superstorm Sandy. Utilities, municipal governments, and refuse companies may be particularly interested in these lessons learned.
- Know where the available fueling infrastructure is. Using the Alternative Fueling Station Locator (http://www.afdc.energy.gov/
locator/stations/), you can identify stations in your area and work with those station operators to determine whether they will be available during an emergency situation. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is collecting information from natural gas stations about generator availability, specifically those that could power compressors and other infrastructure during an outage. Initial results indicate that over 50% of planned and existing CNG and liquefied natural gas stations have access to a generator that can operate the station. Please note that information about generator availability at individual stations will not be available through the Fueling Station Locator. However, it will be used to assist DOE and others in developing federal, state, and local energy assurance and emergency preparedness plans that incorporate alternative fuels.
For additional information about the response to Superstorm Sandy and alternative fuel use in emergency situations, please refer to the Webinar on the Role of Alternative Fuel Vehicles in Emergency Preparedness (http://www1.eere.energy.gov/ cleancities/toolbox/webinar_ emergency_preparedness.html).
General Motors Announces New CNG Chevy Impala

It's a move similar to GM's strategy with the Chevrolet Volt, a plug-in hybrid sedan that can go about 40 miles (64 kilometers) on electricity before a gasoline engine engages and powers a generator to recharge the battery.
"This approach takes range anxiety completely off the table by offering 150 miles of range using CNG and an additional 350 miles on gasoline," Chief Executive Officer Dan Akerson said in Washington D.C. "There will be nothing like it on the road-literally."
GM, based in Detroit, is trying to improve its image as a maker of fuel-efficient vehicles to catch up with competitors such as Toyota Motor Corp., with is mass-market Prius hybrid, and Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA) with is luxury electric cars.
The bi-fuel Impala will go on sale next year as a 2015 model, according to an e-mailed GM statement. Akerson said in the speech that most deliveries will be to commercial and government fleets "and selling 750 to 1,000 units in the first model year would be a home run."
CNG vehicles are part of a broader approach by GM to boost fuel efficiency and meet tougher U.S. mileage requirements. GM said improvements, such as alternative fuels and lighter materials, made to its 2011 to 2017 model year vehicles will save 12 billion gallons (45.4 billion liters) of gasoline in the U.S.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
September Question of the Month
Question of the Month:
What are the key terms to know when discussing electric drive vehicles and their fueling infrastructure?
is important to know how to “talk the talk” when it comes to electric
drive vehicles. Becoming familiar with the terms below will help you
better understand these vehicles and the
associated fueling (charging) infrastructure, so that you can ask the
right questions and make informed decisions:
Vehicle Types
There are two main categories of electric drive vehicles:
Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV)
powered by an internal combustion engine or other propulsion source
that runs on conventional or alternative fuel, as well as an electric
motor that uses energy stored in a battery.
The battery is charged through regenerative braking and by the internal
combustion engine, and is not plugged in to charge.
Regenerative breaking is a technology by which energy normally
lost during braking is captured by the electric motor and stored in the
battery for extra power during acceleration. There are two different
types of HEVs:
Mild hybrid:
This type of HEV uses a battery and electric motor to help power the
and can allow the engine to shut off when the vehicle stops (such as at
traffic lights or in stop-and-go traffic). Mild hybrid systems cannot
power the vehicle using electricity alone. Example: Chevrolet Malibu Eco
Full hybrid:
type of HEV generally has more powerful electric motors and larger
batteries, which can drive the vehicle on just electric power for short
distances and at low speeds. Example:
Toyota Prius
HEVs can be designed in two different configurations:
configuration connects the engine and the electric motor to the wheels
through mechanical coupling and allows both the electric motor and the
engine to drive the wheels directly,
either simultaneously or independently.
this configuration, only the electric motor drives the wheels. The
internal combustion engine is used to generate electricity for the
Plug-in electric vehicles (PEV)
to any on-road vehicle that can be charged through an external source
of electricity. There are two different types of PEVs available:
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV):
Like HEVs, these vehicles are powered by an
internal combustion engine that can run on conventional or alternative
fuel, as well as an electric motor that uses energy stored in a battery.
The difference is that these vehicles can be plugged into an electric
power source to charge the battery. PHEVs
can have a parallel or series design as well. Example: Chevy Volt
Electric vehicle, or all-electric vehicle (EV): These vehicles use a battery to store
the electric energy that powers the motor. EV batteries are charged by plugging the vehicle into an electric power source. EVs are sometimes referred to as battery electric vehicles (BEVs). Example: Nissan Leaf
Neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV):
vehicles are smaller and have less battery power than traditional EVs,
and are often referred to as low-speed vehicles. NEVs are confined to
roads with lower speed limits and states
set specific regulations regarding their use.
Infrastructure Terminology
Charging equipment for PEVs is known as
electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). Charging times vary
based on how depleted the battery is, how much energy it holds, the type
of battery, and the type of EVSE. Before exploring types of EVSE, it’s
important to first understand the basics of
electricity through the following terminology:
- Current type:
- Alternating current (AC): Movement of electric current that reverses or alternates direction. AC is the form of current normally generated and delivered by an electric utility to homes and businesses.
- Direct current (DC): Movement of electric current that continuously flows in the same direction. DC is the form of current normally delivered through batteries and is essential to charging vehicle batteries. As certain types of EVSE only provide AC (Level 1 and Level 2 described below), all PEVs are equipped with onboard equipment to convert the current to DC.
- Amperage: The amount of electrical current, which can be thought of as the rate of flow. Amperage is measured in amperes, commonly referred to as amps.
- Voltage: The electric potential energy per unit charge, which
can be thought of as the force or pressure that drives the electric current. Voltage is measured in volts (V).
- By multiplying amperage by voltage, you can find the unit of power, otherwise known as watts (W). There are 1000 watts in a kilowatt (kW). A typical residential three-prong outlet can supply 12 amps at 120V, or 1.44 kW based on the following equation:
12 amps x 120V = 1440 W / 1000 = 1.44 kW
- PEV battery pack energy capacity is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). A kWh is a unit of energy that indicates the ability to provide a given amount of power for one hour. In theory, a 24 kWh battery pack would take 16.7 hours to charge using a standard 3-prong outlet based on the following equation:
24 kWh / 1.44 kW = 16.7 hours
EVSE Categories
There are five different types of EVSE outlined in the table below.
Basic Information
Charge Time
Level 1
120V AC plug
Typical for residential charging; uses a standard household outlet
PEVs come with a two-ended Level 1 EVSE cordset. One end has a standard
three-prong plug and the other has a connector that plugs into the
receptacle on the vehicle.
SAE J1772, NEMA 5-15 or NEMA 5-20
2 to 5 miles of range per hour of charging time to a light-duty PHEV or EV
Level 2
240V AC plug (residential applications) or 208V AC plug (commercial applications)
Typical for residential, workplace, fleet, and public facilities
homes have 240V service available but require equipment installation
and a dedicated circuit of 20 to 80 amps, depending on EVSE requirements
SAE J1772
10 to 20 miles of range per hour of charging time to a light-duty PHEV or EV
Level 3
Pending industry consensus on definition
DC Fast
480V AC input with AC-DC converter
Enables rapid charging along heavy traffic corridors and at public stations
Three types:
SAE J1772 Combo
Tesla Supercharger
60 to 80 miles of range to a light-duty PHEV or EV in 20 minutes
Legacy “Paddle” Inductive
Uses an electromagnetic field which transfers electricity without a cord
Today’s available PEVs do not use this type of charging
Small paddle or large paddle inductive
Wireless Inductive
Uses an electromagnetic field which transfers electricity without a cord
Currently in planning and testing stages, not yet available
SAE J2954 (pending)
information on electric drive vehicles, infrastructure, and batteries
can be found on the Alternative Fuels Data Center Electricity website
(http://www.afdc.energy.gov/ fuels/electricity.html).
Saturday, August 24, 2013
NatGasCar LLC Announces Partnership with AVS LLC on Certification of 2013 Ford F150
Cleveland, Ohio – June 28, 2013 – NatGasCar, LLC has made a strategic investment in Utah based AVS, LLC to certify, manufacture and market a proprietary CNG Conversion System for installation on the 2012 & 2013 Ford F150 5.0L engine. The partnership combines the manufacturing and distribution capability of NatGasCar with the installation expertise of AVS. The partnership enables NatGasCar to better serve customers in the western United States, while providing an east coast installation location for AVS. Brad Trembath, President of NatGasCar, stated, “a partnership with AVS is the perfect platform to introduce the 2013 Ford 150 system to a national customer base.” Scott Brandeberry of AVS noted that both companies share dedication to outstanding customer service and advancement of CNG vehicle technology. AVS has developed the numerous products for CNG vehicles including AVS High Pressure Component such as Duramount fueling ports, injector adaptors, fuel rails, and CNG tank packages. NatGasCar conversion systems feature a uniquely engineered manifold exchange program that requires no drilling or tapping of manifolds. The Ford F150 systems are expected to be available for delivery in early July 2013.
NatGasCar has CNG Conversion Systems approved by the EPA for use on engines in the Chrysler Town & Country, Dodge Grand Caravan, Dodge Avenger, Dodge Journey, Chrysler 200, Dodge Ram 1500, GM Silverado/Sierra 2500/3500, and the GM Express/Savana full size van. These conversion systems enable vehicles to fuel with clean-burning, lower cost, compressed natural gas (CNG), in addition to gasoline. The primary market for these systems is high mileage commercial vehicles that can benefit quickly from lower fuel and maintenance costs. The growing number of CNG fueling stations across the United States has created a higher demand for the CNG Conversion System and tank packages developed by both NatGasCar and AVS.
About AVS, LLC and NatGasCar, LLC AVS uses a proprietary ISO 9001:2008 compliant methods for CNG installation and is a national leader in conversion technology. Based in Salt Lake City, Utah, AVS has a strong relationship with the Utah Clean Cities Organization and numerous ANGA members. NatGasCar LLC is a recognized leader in the alternative fuel industry. Their proprietary system uses a patent injection system to provide a cost effective and reliable conversion product. All EPA-certified systems developed by NatGasCar use the ISO 9000:2008 management process to develop our products.
AVS, LLC Contact Information
Scott Brandeberry: scott@avs-cng.com site: www.avs-cng.com (801) 293-0555
NatGasCar LLC Contact Information
John Laine –jlaine@natgascar.com site: www.natgascar.com (216) 692-3700
NatGasCar has CNG Conversion Systems approved by the EPA for use on engines in the Chrysler Town & Country, Dodge Grand Caravan, Dodge Avenger, Dodge Journey, Chrysler 200, Dodge Ram 1500, GM Silverado/Sierra 2500/3500, and the GM Express/Savana full size van. These conversion systems enable vehicles to fuel with clean-burning, lower cost, compressed natural gas (CNG), in addition to gasoline. The primary market for these systems is high mileage commercial vehicles that can benefit quickly from lower fuel and maintenance costs. The growing number of CNG fueling stations across the United States has created a higher demand for the CNG Conversion System and tank packages developed by both NatGasCar and AVS.
About AVS, LLC and NatGasCar, LLC AVS uses a proprietary ISO 9001:2008 compliant methods for CNG installation and is a national leader in conversion technology. Based in Salt Lake City, Utah, AVS has a strong relationship with the Utah Clean Cities Organization and numerous ANGA members. NatGasCar LLC is a recognized leader in the alternative fuel industry. Their proprietary system uses a patent injection system to provide a cost effective and reliable conversion product. All EPA-certified systems developed by NatGasCar use the ISO 9000:2008 management process to develop our products.
AVS, LLC Contact Information
Scott Brandeberry: scott@avs-cng.com site: www.avs-cng.com (801) 293-0555
NatGasCar LLC Contact Information
John Laine –jlaine@natgascar.com site: www.natgascar.com (216) 692-3700
Monday, August 19, 2013
August Question of the Month
Question of the Month:
can I find case studies and other information about fleets that have
successfully adopted alternative fuels and advanced vehicles?
Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) Resources
The AFDC Case Studies search (http://www.afdc.energy.gov/ case)
is a great resource for examples of what real fleets are doing
related to alternative fuels. This page allows the user to search by
category or keyword. Categories include fuels and technologies, such as
biodiesel and idle reduction, as well as applications such as law
enforcement and public transit. The Case Study search
functionality was recently updated to provide a better search
experience, so be sure to check it out.
Another useful tool is the AFDC Publications database (http://www.afdc.energy.gov/ publications/). The publications database
more detailed reports and case studies written by the national
laboratories and other organizations regarding the implementation of
alternative fuels and advanced vehicles
in fleets. This page is also searchable by category or keyword.
Clean Cities Resources
The Clean Cities YouTube Channel (http://www.youtube.com/ cleancitiestv)
is one of the newest Clean Cities tools. The channel
features more than 200 case study videos, including MotorWeek Clean
Cities Success Story segments, and other educational media for fleets.
In addition,
Clean Cities Now (http://www1.eere.energy.gov/ cleancities/newsletter.html) includes a “Fleet Experiences” section in each biannual publication. Each “Fleet Experiences” article contains
information about a fleet that has successfully transitioned their fleet to alternative fuels.
Cities coalitions are also great resources for information about the
“real world” use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicles at the local
and regional level. The
Clean Cities Coalition Contacts page (http://www.afdc.energy.gov/ cleancities/coalitions/ coalition_contacts.php) provides a list of coalitions and their websites. Some coalitions
post stakeholder fleet case studies on their websites or feature success stories in their newsletters.
Industry Associations and Publications
industry association websites also contain useful case studies that
focus on the use of specific fuel and technology types. For example, the
National Biodiesel Board “Market
Segments” page (http://www.biodiesel.org/ using-biodiesel/market- segments) provides examples of fleets using biodiesel in different applications, as well as stories on several “feature fleets.”
Additionally, fleet publications such as Automotive Fleet (http://www.automotive-fleet. com/Channel/Green-Fleet.aspx) and Green Fleet (http://www. greenfleetmagazine.com/)
publish articles about fleets that are adopting alternative fuels and advanced vehicles.
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
A New CNG Partnership Among UCCC Stakeholders
Salt Lake City, Utah – July 31, 2013 – Ares Transportation Technologies, a leading
alternative transportation technology company, has secured rights to sell and install the
Powerfuel CNG System’s Ford Total Integration EPA certified bi-fuel and dedicated
compressed natural gas systems.
The Powerfuel system was designed to Ford’s Q-185 engineering standards to
compliment and be fully supported by Ford’s warranty program and is currently available
for Ford’s flagship 5.0-liter F-150 as well as the 6.2-liter F-250/F-350 Super Duty
“The Powerfuel system represents cutting edge technology in the fast emerging CNG
transportation industry offering previously unattainable OEM authorized synchronization
of the CNG system with Ford’s factory-installed engine controls enabling seamless
operation between the two fuels.” said Steve Pruitt with Ares. “What sets the Powerfuel’s
system apart is that it can also operate in a hybrid mode mixing natural gas with gasoline
employing fuel displacement technology providing increased vehicle performance and
reduced wear.”
“As the number of CNG fueling stations grows in proportion to the public demand for the
use of cleaner domestic fuels, the demand for reliable systems has followed and this
combination has the potential to have an impact on not only our regional economy but the
air we all endure each winter in the Salt Lake Valley” continued Pruitt. “Though there
are other systems in the marketplace, the conversion industry is punctuated with
manufacturers, systems and installers that offer either non-certified systems or have
quality control issues leaving customers with systems that, more often than not, do not
work as advertised while the Powerful system is the best system we have installed in
terms of its engineering, ease of installation, performance, manufacturer support and
customer satisfaction. The first of these systems are now in use by Rio Tinto’s Kennecott
Copper fleet.”
“As part of our commitment to sustainable development, we have implemented a number
of programs aimed at reducing greenhouse gases, unnecessary fuel consumption and
reducing vehicle maintenance” said Richard Kauss, Superintendent of Support Services
for Kennecott. “”Through programs such as our idle free program, we have saved over 2
million gallons of fuel and over $6 million while reducing our GHG emissions by over
21,000 tons since 2008 and the conversion of our vehicles to CNG is just another step
enabling us to increase these results and to lead by example and Ares is uniquely
positioned and qualified to assist us in the continued pursuit of these programs with their
CNG conversion capabilities particularly with Ford vehicles” continued Kauss.
CNG can currently be purchased in Utah for as low as $1.49 per gallon and according to
the EPA, reduces carbon-monoxide emissions by up to 97%, nitrogen-oxide emissions by
up to 60% and can also reduce non-methane hydrocarbon emissions by up to 75%, while
producing fewer carcinogenic pollutants and little or no particulate matter.
About Ares Transportation Technologies. Ares developed the world’s first hybrid
electric Le Mans prototype racecar becoming the first electrically powered car to finish
on the podium of an internationally sanctioned event. Ares transferred its racecar
technology to develop its Assistive Drive System for the trucking industry, re-fueling
systems for the world’s first diesel-displacement Pisten Bully mountain groomers used
this past winter at Park City and Alta ski resorts and LNG fueling systems for the
trucking industry. Ares has received recognition for its work from the EPA, US
Department of Energy, Utah Green Business, SAE International and the Wall Street
Journal. As one of the leading companies for CNG conversions in the Intermountain
West, Ares also offers CNG systems for GM vehicles with customers including Questar,
Wexpro, Avista, US Forest Service, GSL Electric, Washington City, Hyster, Utility
Trailer, QEP Resources, Cargill and Ultra Petroleum.
For additional information, contact Steve Pruitt:
Email - steve@rocketsciencefortheroad.com
Web – rocketsciencefortheroad.com
Phone – 801-541-3733
Salt Lake City, Utah – July 31, 2013 – Ares Transportation Technologies, a leading
alternative transportation technology company, has secured rights to sell and install the
Powerfuel CNG System’s Ford Total Integration EPA certified bi-fuel and dedicated
compressed natural gas systems.
The Powerfuel system was designed to Ford’s Q-185 engineering standards to
compliment and be fully supported by Ford’s warranty program and is currently available
for Ford’s flagship 5.0-liter F-150 as well as the 6.2-liter F-250/F-350 Super Duty
“The Powerfuel system represents cutting edge technology in the fast emerging CNG
transportation industry offering previously unattainable OEM authorized synchronization
of the CNG system with Ford’s factory-installed engine controls enabling seamless
operation between the two fuels.” said Steve Pruitt with Ares. “What sets the Powerfuel’s
system apart is that it can also operate in a hybrid mode mixing natural gas with gasoline
employing fuel displacement technology providing increased vehicle performance and
reduced wear.”
“As the number of CNG fueling stations grows in proportion to the public demand for the
use of cleaner domestic fuels, the demand for reliable systems has followed and this
combination has the potential to have an impact on not only our regional economy but the
air we all endure each winter in the Salt Lake Valley” continued Pruitt. “Though there
are other systems in the marketplace, the conversion industry is punctuated with
manufacturers, systems and installers that offer either non-certified systems or have
quality control issues leaving customers with systems that, more often than not, do not
work as advertised while the Powerful system is the best system we have installed in
terms of its engineering, ease of installation, performance, manufacturer support and
customer satisfaction. The first of these systems are now in use by Rio Tinto’s Kennecott
Copper fleet.”
“As part of our commitment to sustainable development, we have implemented a number
of programs aimed at reducing greenhouse gases, unnecessary fuel consumption and
reducing vehicle maintenance” said Richard Kauss, Superintendent of Support Services
for Kennecott. “”Through programs such as our idle free program, we have saved over 2
million gallons of fuel and over $6 million while reducing our GHG emissions by over
21,000 tons since 2008 and the conversion of our vehicles to CNG is just another step
enabling us to increase these results and to lead by example and Ares is uniquely
positioned and qualified to assist us in the continued pursuit of these programs with their
CNG conversion capabilities particularly with Ford vehicles” continued Kauss.
CNG can currently be purchased in Utah for as low as $1.49 per gallon and according to
the EPA, reduces carbon-monoxide emissions by up to 97%, nitrogen-oxide emissions by
up to 60% and can also reduce non-methane hydrocarbon emissions by up to 75%, while
producing fewer carcinogenic pollutants and little or no particulate matter.
About Ares Transportation Technologies. Ares developed the world’s first hybrid
electric Le Mans prototype racecar becoming the first electrically powered car to finish
on the podium of an internationally sanctioned event. Ares transferred its racecar
technology to develop its Assistive Drive System for the trucking industry, re-fueling
systems for the world’s first diesel-displacement Pisten Bully mountain groomers used
this past winter at Park City and Alta ski resorts and LNG fueling systems for the
trucking industry. Ares has received recognition for its work from the EPA, US
Department of Energy, Utah Green Business, SAE International and the Wall Street
Journal. As one of the leading companies for CNG conversions in the Intermountain
West, Ares also offers CNG systems for GM vehicles with customers including Questar,
Wexpro, Avista, US Forest Service, GSL Electric, Washington City, Hyster, Utility
Trailer, QEP Resources, Cargill and Ultra Petroleum.
For additional information, contact Steve Pruitt:
Email - steve@rocketsciencefortheroad.com
Web – rocketsciencefortheroad.com
Phone – 801-541-3733
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