Utah's Clean Cities Coalition is one of 85 coalitions around the country that's part of the U.S. Department of Energy's strategy to reduce America's dependence on imported foreign oil. We promote the following energy security strategies: alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs), low-fuel blends, fuel economy, hybrid electric vehicles and idle reduction. Locally, alternative fuels include compressed natural gas, propane, and to a lesser degree, ethanol and biodiesel.
Monday, April 25, 2011
ACT Expo 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Congressman Matheson to Speak on the 2011 NAT GAS Act

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
April Clean Cities Question of the Month
Question of the Month: What notable changes to federal alternative fuel conversion regulations resulted from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) final rulemaking?
Answer: On March 29, 2011, EPA announced the final rulemaking to adopt changes to the regulations in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 85, subpart F. These regulations apply to manufacturers of alternative fuel conversion systems for light-duty vehicles and heavy-duty highway vehicles and engines.The Clean Air Act prohibits anyone from altering a vehicle or engine from its certified configuration, and EPA is responsible for ensuring that all vehicles and engines sold in the United States meet federal emissions standards. This new approach simplifies and streamlines the process by which alternative fuel conversion systems manufacturers may demonstrate compliance with these emissions requirements and gain a regulatory exemption from potential tampering charges.
Age-based Categories
Previous regulations required all vehicle and engine conversion systems to be covered by a Certificate of Conformity (Certificate) in order to be exempt from federal tampering prohibitions. The amendments are based primarily on EPA’s determination that it is appropriate to treat conversions differently based on the age of the vehicle or engine being converted. All conversion manufacturers seeking an exemption must demonstrate compliance, but the demonstration requirements differ among categories. A summary of each age-based category and the associated compliance requirements is as follows:
New and Relatively New Vehicles and Engines
- Includes vehicles/engines less than about two years old. More specifically, the date of the conversion is in a calendar year that is not more than one year after the original model year of the vehicle/engine.
- Notification and demonstration requirements are very similar to previous practice, including a certification application that includes testing and on-board diagnostics (OBD) requirements. The demonstration requirement for new vehicles/engines is certification.
- EPA issues a Certificate if all requirements are satisfied.
- Once certified, annual recertification is no longer required to maintain the tampering exemption.
Intermediate Age Vehicles and Engines
· Includes vehicles/engines that are no longer “new and relatively new” (see above), but still fall within EPA’s definition of full useful life.
o The definition of full useful life varies among different vehicle and engine regulations. Useful life is expressed as a threshold age in years, mileage, and/or number of hours of operation.
· Notification and demonstration requirements include testing and data submission to show that the converted vehicle or engine meets applicable emission standards and an OBD scan tool report.
· EPA does not issue a Certificate but will publically list the conversion systems as having satisfied the demonstration and notification requirements.
· Converters of intermediate age vehicles and engines may voluntarily choose to satisfy the new vehicle/engine demonstration requirement (certification) instead of the intermediate age demonstration requirement, in which case they would receive a Certificate.
· Annual recertification is not required to maintain the tampering exemption.
Outside Useful Live Vehicles and Engines
· Includes vehicles/engines that are outside EPA’s definition of useful life.
· Notification and demonstration requirements include submission of a technical description, other information and data, and an OBD scan tool report.
· EPA does not issue a Certificate but will publically list the conversion systems as having satisfied the demonstration and notification requirements.
· Annual recertification is not required to maintain the tampering exemption.
Additional Information
The rule has been published in the Federal Register and is now in effect, as of April 8, 2011.
EPA also finalized several technical amendments related to exhaust and evaporative emissions testing requirements for gaseous-fueled vehicles, in addition to other technical changes to provide consistency and clarity.
Refer to EPA’s Alternative Fuel Conversion website (http://www.epa.gov/otaq/consumer/fuels/altfuels/altfuels.htm) for more information about the regulations, including full text of the final rule, response to comments received on the proposed rule, and compliance information.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Batmobile is Fueled by Clean CNG!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Natural Gas Vehicles Take the Hill
Natural gas-powered vehicles from around the country took the hill today to help educate the public about the benefits and potential of clean, American natural gas. Vehicles provided by companies included Ryder System, Inc.; the Vehicle Production Group, Inc.; BAF Technologies; IMPCO Automotive; Westport; General Motors Corp.; Washington Gas; Kenworth; Dillon Transport; Navistar; and others.
T. Boone Pickens, renowned entrepreneur and long-time advocate of natural gas, urged Congressional leaders and fellow Americans "to look to America's clean, abundant and affordable natural gas reserves as the key to our energy future."
"Natural gas is affordable, abundant and American. It costs one-third less to fill up with natural gas than gasoline and, maybe more importantly, we have enough natural gas in the U.S. to meet our energy needs for the next 100 years. On top of that, if we start making cars and trucks that run on natural gas, there's the potential to create over a half a million American jobs. Today's event is a great opportunity for members of Congress and the public to get a first-hand look at what's possible here and now," said Congressman John Larson, the Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus.
The event began at 8:00 this morning and ran until noon,from the Capitol in front of the National Museum of the American Indian (300 block of Maryland Ave., SW, between 3rd St, and Independence Ave., SW).
Congratulations to T. Boone Pickens and participants in today's event!
To read more about the demonstration click here or follow T. Boone Pickens on twitter @pickensplan.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
DOE Announces $12 Million in Available Funding to Support Advanced Biofuels Development
To support the goal announced by President Obama today to reduce America’s oil imports by one-third by 2025, the U.S. Department of Energy announced that it will be accepting applications for $12 million in funding for laboratory or small pilot-scale projects that support the development of advanced biofuels. Successful projects will develop technologies that will be able to replace refinery feedstocks or directly replace gasoline, diesel, or jet fuels without requiring modifications to vehicles or fueling infrastructure. These projects will continue to accelerate innovations in the renewable biofuels industry as part of the Obama Administration’s efforts to build a cleaner, safer, and more secure energy future for America that ultimately breaks our dependence on foreign oil and moves our nation toward a clean energy economy that creates jobs and boosts U.S. competitiveness.
The funding opportunity will provide up to $12 million over the next three to four years to support as many as five projects. These investments are for research and development of technologies that will support the production of gasoline, diesel, and/or jet fuels from biomass. Each selectee will utilize biomass materials such as woody biomass, and corn stover in thermochemical conversion processes known as gasification and pyrolysis. Gasification breaks down biomass using heat to produce synthesis gas, which can then be used to produce liquid fuels and chemicals. Pyrolysis also uses heat to break down biomass into liquids that may be upgraded to produce liquid fuels and chemicals. This R&D will leverage existing work and should result in commercially available technologies or processes.
A description of the solicitation, eligibility requirements, and application instructions can be found on the FedConnect website under Reference Number DE-FOA-0000467. Applications must be submitted through Grants.gov by no later than 11:59 p.m. EST on May 5, 2011.
DOE’s Biomass Program works with industry, academia, and National Laboratory partners on a balanced portfolio of research in biomass feedstocks and conversion technologies. For more information on DOE’s Biomass Program, please visit the Biomass Program website.
For the full story from the source, click here
Cities Technical Response Service (TRS) Question of the Month
Answer: CMAQ is jointly administered by two agencies of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) – Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) – with an overarching goal of reducing congestion and improving air quality through surface transportation improvement projects. The program was authorized by the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991, and it has been reauthorized under subsequent transportation legislation. CMAQ funds transportation projects that contribute to attainment or maintenance of the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). For more information about the NAAQS program, visit the EPA website (http://www.epa.gov/airquality/cleanair.html).
Funding Appropriation, Apportionment, and Allocation
Funding for the CMAQ program is appropriated on an annual basis by Congress and subsequently apportioned to the states by FHWA. The level of funding provided to each state is based on a formula that takes into account the population of each county that is in a nonattainment or maintenance area and the severity of the air quality problem in the associated area. Regardless of whether a state has any nonattainment or maintenance areas, each state is guaranteed a minimum apportionment of 0.5% of the year's total program funding, which can be used anywhere in the state.
Once funding is provided to each state, it is up to the state DOTs, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and transit agencies to allocate it to eligible projects and programs (see Eligible Activities below). The state may use their CMAQ funds in any ozone, carbon monoxide, or particulate matter nonattainment or maintenance area to support initiatives that reduce transportation-related emissions. Funding does not need to be allocated in the same way it is apportioned and the U.S. DOT does not have a role in this allocation process. State agencies are encouraged to consult affected MPOs; determine state, regional, and local priorities; and develop CMAQ project selection processes. The selection process varies by state, but generally provides an opportunity for state and/or local agencies to present eligible projects and demonstrate how they would use the funding to meet the overall goals of the CMAQ program. States must submit annual reports to FHWA outlining the program investments and trends and, in most of the program’s 19 years, have been required to share a portion of the cost of projects.
Eligible Activities
The following activities are generally eligible for funding under CMAQ:
• Acquiring alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) to be used in transit applications;
• Supporting the emissions-reducing element of publicly-owned non-transit AFVs;
• Subsidizing the incremental cost of purchasing privately-owned AFVs;
• Converting fleet vehicles to operate using alternative fuels;
• Establishing publicly-owned alternative fueling stations and other infrastructure necessary to fuel AFVs in areas where publicly-owned fueling stations are not in place or are not reasonably accessible;
• Converting a private fueling station to support alternative fuels through a public-private partnership agreement;
• Purchasing alternative fuels (only permitted in Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio);
• Purchasing idle reduction equipment; and
• Providing assistance to diesel equipment and vehicle owners and operators regarding the purchase and installation of diesel retrofits. The CMAQ program defines alternative fuels as those identified by the Energy Policy Act of 1992. In addition, hybrid electric vehicles that meet the emissions and energy efficiency requirements of the program are eligible. Both passenger vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles are eligible for funding.
Additional information about eligible projects can be found in the CMAQ program guidance document (http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/air_quality/cmaq/policy_and_guidance/cmaq08gm.cfm).
Additional Questions?
For general information about CMAQ, including annual state apportionments and reports, visit the CMAQ program website (http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/air_quality/cmaq/). For specific information about funding and projects at the individual state level, please reference the CMAQ State Transportation Contacts website (http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/air_quality/cmaq/reference/brochure/brochure12.cfm) and the FHWA Field Office website (http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/field.html).
Friday, April 1, 2011
President Obama Announces National Clean Fleets Partnership
This CNN article talks about the new partnership.
By the CNN Wire Staff
(CNN) -- President Barack Obama continues his clean energy push Friday by announcing a new National Clean Fleets Partnership that works with major companies to cut gasoline consumption by their trucks.
The program is part of Obama's plan announced Wednesday to reduce U.S. oil imports by a third by 2025.
Obama travels to a UPS facility in Landover, Maryland, on Friday to make the announcement that UPS, AT&T, FedEx, PepsiCo and Verizon are the initial participants in the program, according to a White House statement.
"This public-private partnership will help large companies reduce diesel and gasoline use in their fleets by incorporating electric vehicles, alternative fuels, and fuel-saving measures into their daily operations," the White House statement said.
The five companies operate five of the nation's 10 largest national fleets comprising more than 275,000 vehicles in total, the White House said.
Under the partnership, they will deploy more than 20,000 advanced-technology vehicles, according to the statement.
The Department of Energy will help participating companies replace conventional gasoline and diesel vehicles with advanced-technology vehicles or ones that use alternative fuels such as electricity, natural gas, biodiesel, ethanol, hydrogen or propane, according to the White House.
Participating companies also will be able to make group purchases of advanced vehicles, benefiting smaller companies that join larger ones in buying in bulk, and to collaborate on information-sharing and research initiatives, the statement said.
To check out this article on CNN click here
Please check out the new website associated with the partnership here