Utah's Clean Cities Coalition is one of 85 coalitions around the country that's part of the U.S. Department of Energy's strategy to reduce America's dependence on imported foreign oil. We promote the following energy security strategies: alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs), low-fuel blends, fuel economy, hybrid electric vehicles and idle reduction. Locally, alternative fuels include compressed natural gas, propane, and to a lesser degree, ethanol and biodiesel.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Time to Renew Your Membership?
Check to make sure your membership is up-to-date!
Remember UCC's Goals:
•Reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
•Enhance air quality in the community.
•Familiarize fleet managers/operators with the benefits of including AFVs in their fleets.
•Stay informed and knowledgeable about new technology, incentives and grants.
•Encourage involvement and participation because it's the right thing to do!
With your support we can meet and exceed them.
UCC membership matrix
Thursday, December 22, 2011
UCCC is giving CleanBoost a Test Drive

So how does it work? CleanBoost works with the molecular structure of fuels. Large hydrocarbon molecules have more hydrogen and burn less efficiently. This additive uses a metal catalyst to increase combustion rates of large molecules, creating smaller molecules that burn quickly and more completely, eliminating soot and NOx SOx and VOx emissions.
J-1321 laboratory testing at the Southwest Research Institute showed significant improvements in fuel economy. Tests confirmed that the CleanBoost additive increased the BTU (unit of heat) of combusted fuel without increasing Cetane, which increases engine temperatures, NOx output and engine wear. Fleet field tests have shown increased performance on the road with a decrease in fuel consumption that can range from 7% to 10 %.
As a caveat, CleanBoost starts cleaning out the engine immediate; however during this process many impurities are captured in the engine oil. Once an engine has been serviced 2-3 times oil viscosity should stabilize, and engine performance and fuel economy will increase. We will keep you posted on our progress here.
If you are interested in learning more about this fuel additive or other CleanBoost products that lower emissions and improve fuel economy contact Joshua Scoville with OuterCircle Distribution @ 801.993.9698 or joshu@ocdist.com. More information can also be found at http://www.ocdist.com/.
UCCC is providing vehicles for CleanBoost to test out their product.
UCCC will not be conducting an scientific grade/certifiable test of CleanBoost
City “greens” Parking Compliance Fleet
December 20, 2011
Contact: Art Raymond
c. 801-547-2659
City “greens” Parking Compliance Fleet
New hybrid vehicles, bicycle patrols are cost-saving and cleaner
SALT LAKE CITY – Please join Mayor Ralph Becker, Council Chairwoman Jill Remington Love and others in an unveiling of Salt Lake City’s new, high-efficiency compliance fleet at a press event on Wednesday, Dec. 21 near the electronic parking pay station at the northwest corner of 200 East and Broadway (300 South) downtown.
As part of ongoing efforts to optimize the provision of City services, Mayor Becker and the Salt Lake City Public Services Department announce the City’s compliance division has added bicycle-based patrols and two new, hybrid vehicles. The additions replace aging, less efficient vehicles and are expected to garner savings in a number of areas. Salt Lake City’s new Compliance Director, Ben Roberts, said the changes are part of an overall retooling of the division.
“Adding bicycle patrols and hybrid vehicles is a positive trend being implemented by municipalities across the country, and right here in Salt Lake City by various agencies,” Roberts said. “The changes we’re making achieve a number of goals including increased efficiency, operational savings and reduction of our carbon footprint.”
The new bicycle patrols alone, once fully implemented,will reduce the fleet’s carbon emissions by an estimated 93,000 pounds annually, while offering compliance officers increased mobility.
The Salt Lake City Council also recently approved the citywide installation of new, solar-powered electronic parking pay stations. The stations allow for multiple payment options including coins, debit and credit cards, as well as merchant-issued cards. The change brings the City’s public parking options up-to-date with a proven, user-friendly system.
The new hybrid vehicles and bicycles will be on display at the event.
EVENT: Salt Lake City Parking Compliance Green Fleet Unveiling
WHO: Mayor Ralph Becker
WHERE: 300 South & 200 East
WHEN: Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1 p.m.
Fueling the Future of the West - Western Governors’ Association Policy Resolution
We are proud that Utah is at the forefront of this initiative!
Western Governors’ Association
Policy Resolution
11-13 - 11
Fueling the Future of the West: A Roadmap for Energy Security and Environmental Stewardship
1. The Western Governors have placed a high priority on forming energy policies that can lead to the rational development of the Western region’s full range of energy resources to support the nation’s need for domestic energy. Transportation fuels are the major component of the Western region’s energy consumption, and the region, like the nation, relies on petroleum for approximately 94 percent of that fuel.
2. Petroleum will continue to be the dominant transportation fuel in the near term, requiring us to maintain economically viable production and refining sectors, but we also must increase our efforts to hasten the development of alternative fuels and to deploy far more efficient vehicles and means to move goods and services.
3. Our near-total dependence on petroleum for transportation fuels is of concern to consumers, businesses and government. This dependence makes Western states vulnerable to limited refinery capacity, supply shortages and price spikes, in addition to its overarching impacts on national security, the environment and the economy. In the West, where driving distances can be much greater than other parts of the country, these impacts can be magnified.
4. While our demand for transportation fuels has grown unabated over the last 40 years, domestic production has been unable to keep pace, doubling our dependency on imported petroleum from 30 percent in 1970 to 60 percent today. Some of that supply is imported from nations that are fragile at best, and often hostile towards the United States.
5. The Western states are in position to become key producers and beneficiaries in the emerging alternative-fuels economy. We have abundant resources that have great potential as domestic sources for transportation fuels. By working together and leading this transition, Western states can achieve ambitious goals more rapidly than through individual efforts. Similarly, water availability and quality, air quality, land use, habitat protection, and feedstock supplies are of great concern to all Western states, and careful consideration of these issues is critical as we transition to clean, alternative fuels and more fuel-efficient vehicles.
6. In 2009, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, conventional lightduty vehicles accounted for 85% of the nation’s market share, followed by flex fuel (11%), hybrid electric (3%), and diesel vehicles (2%). Heavy-duty trucks were largely driven by diesel (91%) and gasoline (7%). Rail transport derives about 96% of its energy from diesel fuel, and the air and marine sector are completely driven by petroleum-based energy.
7. In 2006, Western Governors launched the “Transportation Fuels for the Future” initiative through a resolution in 2006. The Western Governors’ Association (WGA) formed an Advisory Committee comprising Governors’ representatives, transportation experts and stakeholders. The Advisory Committee produced an overarching policy, the Transportation Fuels for the Future: A Roadmap for the West. The policy roadmap and detailed team reports identify what is technically and economically feasible and what is needed to increase the usage of alternative fuels to diversify our fuel sources and to develop and deploy efficient vehicle technologies as rapidly as feasible.
8. In 2008, Western Governors formed a Transportation Fuels Council, which consisted of appointed designees to identify strategies to implement the policies in this roadmap. In 2009, the Council released a report updating the Governors on progress made to date. The report also outlined several key issues for future consideration by the Governors, including the conversion of existing fleets, developing regional alternative fuel corridors, streamlining regulatory standards to promote fungibility, and examining issues related to the impact of energy production on water availability.
9. The U.S. Department of Energy Clean Cities Program was established in 1993 to develop local partnerships to facilitate, among other things, the use of alternative fuels. In April 2011, the President announced establishment of the Clean Fleets Program. The program is designed to leverage a public/private partnership to promote alternative fuels and fuel saving measures into daily operations and will work in conjunction with Clean Cities.
10. Data from the Energy Information Administration suggests that the domestic supply of economically recoverable natural gas has grown more than 40 percent since 2004. Western Governors are very interested in seeing this natural gas become a greater part of the transportation sector. For example, in November 2011 Colorado, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Utah and Pennsylvania signed a Memorandum of Understanding to encourage automobile manufacturers in the U.S. to develop a functional and affordable fleet natural gas vehicle. The signers left the MOU open for other states to sign and it is expected that the number of states joining in this MOU will increase.
1. Western Governors recognize the significant economic, energy security and environmental opportunities that are gained by emerging as national and international leaders in the development of alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies. The Governors also agree on the costs of inaction to consumers, future economic development and national security.
2. Western Governors agree that a mix of domestic and alternative fuel sources and increased vehicle fuel efficiency is needed to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, increase local economic development and promote environmental stewardship.
3. Western Governors seek to lead by example and recognize the need to increase the utilization of alternative fuels and vehicles in state vehicle fleets. State vehicle fleets present a tremendous opportunity for states to tackle the issues regarding manufacture of alternative fuel vehicles and development of infrastructure through a common sense approach that can be leveraged through regional cooperation.
4. In addition to the above, the Governors may consider adopting the following programs within each of their states:
a. Promoting fuel and transportation-system efficiency, encouraging the public to value fuel efficiency that can lead to reduced fuel consumption and motor vehicle emissions by emphasizing it in themes and messages, promoting alternative and advanced fuels and vehicle technologies, and by setting a positive example with their own choices and state fleets.
b. Identifying critical research needs and seeking funding to turn universities into centers of excellence on alternative fuels technologies, vehicle fuel efficiency, motor vehicle emissions, and environmental considerations.
c. Supporting and coordinating feedstock research to include new production opportunities, higher yields, carbon capture and storage opportunities, conversions technologies and transportation logistics.
d. Providing information and undertaking alternative fuels demonstrations to gain experience, generate data and evaluate options.
e. Reducing fuel use by encouraging urban and community planners to consider mass transit transportation and other beneficial planning options that can reduce our dependency on foreign fuels sources.
5. In order to promote consumer confidence in alternative fuel vehicles, Western Governors pledge to work in concert to support the deployment of consistent, reliable, and widely available fueling infrastructure. This may include regional, multi-state alternative fueling corridors as well as coordination of codes, standards, and other policies governing fueling and electric charging stations. These corridors and common standards should be implemented through a partnership among local, state and federal officials and the private sector.
6. Federal programs that seek to promote the use of alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies should provide an opportunity for coordination with state and local officials to ensure that our citizens’ needs are being met efficiently and effectively.
1. Western Governors will appoint or reaffirm their membership in the WGA Transportation Fuels Council. Within 45 days of the enactment of this resolution, the Council should amend its charter to support the policy objectives outlined above and to fulfill the following management directives. The Council may seek the assistance of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Energy and its national laboratories in analyzing and implementing the policy objectives in this resolution.
2. Western States, as appropriately determined by each individual State, will seek to work together to leverage their efforts through joint vehicle solicitations such as the 2011 multi-state MOU that promotes the purchase of natural gas vehicles. WGA and its Western State members will work with private industries and the federal government, including the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Fleets and Clean Cities Program, to leverage existing efforts and encourage the use of alternative fuels by federal, state and private fleets.
3. Western Governors direct the WGA staff to assemble a workshop to explore opportunities for public and private sector coordination on regional infrastructure corridors and fleet conversions. The workshop will identify priorities for developing or otherwise making available alternative fuel infrastructure and make recommendations to the governors on a goal for alternative fuel fleet conversions.
4. Western Governors direct WGA staff to pursue mechanisms to assist the Governors in enacting policies including:
a. convening stakeholders to work through issues, as necessary;
b. collaborating with the states as they develop plans to increase alternative fuels production and use and to improve vehicle fuel efficiency;
c. assisting, facilitating and coordinating fuel resource identification and development through regional efforts;
d. collaborating regularly with existing regional policy organizations to develop and implement regional transportation fuels policies and actions. Such organizations could include: WGA affiliates -- the Western Interstate Energy Board, Western Regional Air Partnership and Western States Water Council; Western Climate Initiative; NGV America; American Natural Gas Alliance; Governors’ Biofuels Coalition; National Biodiesel Board; and the DOE Clean Cities and Clean Fleets.
5. This policy resolution shall be conveyed to the President of the United States; the Secretaries of Agriculture, Energy and Transportation; the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); and the appropriate members and committees of Congress.
6. The Western Governors’ Association shall post this resolution to its Web site to be referenced and transmitted as necessary.
PDF Document
Memorandum of Understanding
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) describes a coordinated effort between the undersigned States (States) to attract automobile manufacturers in the U.S. to develop a functional and affordable original equipment manufacturer (OEM) fleet natural gas vehicle (NGV) that will also meet public demand. The States recognize the benefits and unique attributes of clean burning natural gas and understand the significant opportunity compressed natural gas (CNG) presents to save State and taxpayer dollars by encouraging an energy future that utilizes domestic energy resources to fuel our nation’s transportation needs. Through the joint solicitation of a Multi-State Request for Proposal (Joint-RFP) that aggregates annual State fleet vehicle procurements, the States will endeavor to provide a demand base sufficient to support the design, manufacture, and sale of functional and affordable OEM NGVs by automotive manufacturers in the United States.
In anticipation of soliciting a Joint-RFP, the States will endeavor to coordinate with local agencies, municipalities, and companies to determine the number of NGVs each State can commit to purchase and the required specifications necessary to meet fleet needs. The Joint-RFP shall require that the ultimate cost of an OEM NGV should be comparably priced to an equivalent gasoline powered model and that warranty and reliability concerns are not compromised. Simultaneously, the States understand the need for continued development and expansion of CNG fueling infrastructure and should endeavor to encourage private investment, predicated on demonstrating an anticipated increase in State NGVs, to meet growing demand.
Pursuant to the terms of the Joint-RFP, to be executed at a later date, the States intend, where practical, to transition new fleet vehicle acquisitions, in committed volumes, to a resulting OEM NGV. Such future acquisitions should, when economically feasible, rely on traditional distribution channels that incorporate local businesses in procurement processes. In continued recognition of the benefits of CNG, the States should also endeavor to pursue fleet vehicle conversions to CNG, where economically compelling, based on a life-cycle cost analysis. The States will also reach out to fellow Governors to determine broader interest and participation in the principles and process outlined in this MOU.
This MOU embodies the principle understandings of the States but shall not create any legal relationship, rights, duties, or obligations binding or enforceable at law or in equity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each State shall in good faith endeavor to reach a mutually agreeable and economically beneficial Joint-RFP, as contemplated herein. This MOU does not create additional state power, enhance existing state power, or interfere with federal authority or law. This MOU shall continue to demonstrate the States’ understanding until execution of the Joint-RFP, or until otherwise discontinued by either State.
Set Forth By:
Monday, November 28, 2011
NatGasCar Signs New Distributor/Installer

Bry Granger
Alternative Vehicle Solutions
255 W 2950 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Phone: 801-463-0444
Salt Lake City, UT – Nov 14, 2011 – Alternative Vehicle Solutions (AVS), a tier 1 supplier to General Motors Alternative Fuel Division, ISO-9001: 2008 Compliant manufacturer and installer of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) systems, is pleased to announce we are now distributing and installing systems from NatGasCar. Formed in 2008, NatGasCar, LLC manufactures EPA Certified natural gas systems for the conversion of Chrysler and Dodge vehicles to run on clean, American natural gas.
With natural gas being the leading alternative fuel source it is important that businesses and consumers have options. With the addition of NatGasCar to the Alternative Vehicle Solutions’ lineup we are now able to offer solutions for Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, and G.M. vehicles. We look forward to working with NatGasCar because they share our dedication to both safety and simplicity.
NatGasCar is looking forward to working with AVS, and we feel that our CNG conversion systems will supplement AVS’s strong market position. AVS has the people, resources, processes, leadership, and technical support to help make NatGasCar LLC a success and properly grow the CNG industry as a whole. I know that CNG system installations performed at AVS will meet the high standards of NatGasCar and CNG customers looking for an alternative fuel conversion they can trust. Stated Bradley Trembath, President of NatGasCar LLC.
For Information: http://www.avs-cng.com or
Contact: bry@avs-cng.com
Phone: 801-463-0444
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November 15, 2011
Contact: Robin Erickson
(435) 652-4721 Ext. 138
Auto Gas America Expands CNG Fleet in Southern Utah
Washington City continues to promote Alternative Fuels
WASHINGTON CITY, UT - Washington City, with the help of Utah Clean Cities Coalition, recently became the first organization in Utah to take advantage of new rules set forth by the EPA to expand their use of compressed natural gas (CNG) as the clean burning fuel of choice for their fleet.
Robin Erickson, Executive Director of Utah Clean Cities, Mike Shaw, Public Works Director for Washington City, and Auto Gas America, an Ogden based manufacturer of EPA certified fuel systems, combined their winning efforts to move this project to completion. Auto Gas America engineered and certified the systems that Ares Transportation Technology, a Salt Lake City based Conversion Company, installed for Washington City.
In the past it has not been economically feasible to certify in-service vehicles, unless the fleet was large enough to disperse conversion process costs of approximately $100,000. "We now have the opportunity to use EPA data to engineer a system that will perform as well as current model year vehicles, while still meeting the emission guidelines, and reducing end-user cost" said Auto Gas America engineer Aaron Stuart.
Alden Ricks, Manager of Ares Transportation Technology, said, "Through this process we were able to demonstrate that, with the proper certification and installation, CNG is a viable, cost effective fuel for older vehicles. We believe that this process will become the norm and not an exception"
“Auto Gas America's system allows municipalities, businesses and the public to have access to certified conversion kits without having to go through the certification process,” Bryan Wilcox, President of Auto Gas America, stated. "Combining our system with the second largest CNG refueling infrastructure in the nation provides a winning formula of economic and air quality benefits to the state of Utah."
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
The Utah Governor's Energy Development Summit
(Check out the Utah Clean Cities vehicle on the bottom right!)

Monday, October 31, 2011
2011 Alternative Fuel Awareness Month in Utah
Support for AFV Awareness Month grew in 2010 with eight mayors signing on to the Governor's Declaration. This year 47 Mayors from across the state of Utah are joining Governor Herbert and Utah Clean Cities to promoting AFV Awareness Month. Finding cleaner burning, cheaper, domestic fuels is a clear priority for Utahns.
Alternative energy infrastructure has been expanding, allowing fleets and citizens to make the switch to AFV's. Across the state of Utah, cities and towns are using fleets, garbage trucks, police vehicles, and buses that are fueled by cleaner energies. Jordan, Sevier, and Alpine County school districts have CNG buses, which have lower fuel and maintenance costs with the added benefit of quieter, cleaner transportation. Hybrid electric and natural gas powered engines are also gaining traction as governments and citizens look for sustainable energies that cut costs and preserve air quality.
Natural gas is available in Uintah Basin, located in Eastern Utah, providing a local source for the fuel. Local availability allows Utah to expand CNG and LNG infrastructure throughout the state, creating Clean Energy Corridors that are being utilized by trucking and delivery companies as well as the public.
This year Utah Clean Cities will be showcasing leaders of Utah's AFV infrastructure with a month long "AFV Tour." Throughout the month different businesses will have their doors open to the public for fueling questions and general information. See tour location below. Unless otherwise indicated, business representative will be available during normal hours of operation. With 123 different fueling stations in the state of Utah, this is a great opportunity for residents to learn more about Alternative Fuel options and their benefits.
If you have any questions, contact Irene Rizza (801-535-7736) or Robin Erickson (435-652-4721 x138).
Tour Locations:
WEEK 1: November 1st – 4th
University of Utah Fleet and CNG Station
425 S 1778 E
SLC, UT 84102
Chad Larsen - 801-581-4189
CNG Station & Fleet
Hours: Thursday & Friday 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Smith's Electric Charging Station
870 E 800 S
Salt Lake City UT 84102
Marsha - 801-355-2801
Electric Charging Station
Salt Lake City’s Electric Charging Stations
Dan Bergenthal - 801-535-7106
Electric Charging Station
Call for information
Salt Lake City Fleet
1990 W 500 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Art Valente – 801-535-6952
Hours: Tuesday – Friday 3:00-4:00pm
Ken Garff Honda
900 S State St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Wayne Peterson, General Manger
Certified Honda Civic GX Dealer
Hours: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 10:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
State of Utah Fleet and Stations
4600 South Redwood Road - NW side of Campus
Salt Lake City, UT 84123
Sam Lee & Ed Benson- 801-538-3014/801-706-4304
CNG Station & Fleet
Hours: Thursday & Friday 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Kennecott Copper
Rio Tinto 4700 Daybreak Parkway
South Jordan, UT 84095
Kyle Bennett - 801-204-2000
Fleet & Station
Hours: TBA
4285 W 1385 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Hettie Fitzgerald ,Office Manager – 801-521-0360
CNG Station & Conversions
Hours: Tuesday - Friday 1pm -4pm
Ares Technology
2020 Industrial Circle
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Alden Rix - 801-828-3469
CNG and Propane Conversions
Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
AVS - Lancer Automotive
3687 S 300 W
Salt Lake City UT 84115
Scott Brandeberry - 801-268-8863
CNG Conversion
Hours: Tuesday – Friday 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
SLC Community College
4600 South Redwood Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84123
Judy Fisher – 801-957-5252
CNG Conversion Training
Murray CNG station (Questar Gas - City of Murray)
4646 S 500 W
Murray UT 84123
Gordon Larsen 801-556-2905
CNG Public Fueling Station
Jordan School District
8370 S 4300 W
West Jordan, UT 84088
Herb Jensen & Marty Latimer - 801-567-8100
CNG Bus Fleet & Public Fueling Station
Hours: Tuesday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Tim Dahle Nissan
4528 S State Street
Murray, UT 84107
Time Dahle
Nissan Dealership - Nissan Leaf
Riverton Chevy
10770 South Automall Drive
Sandy UT, 84070
Kevin Campbell
Chevrolet Volt Dealership
Bear Creek SUV
450 W 910 S - Suite 300
Heber City, UT 84032
Bill Saks – 435-654-9447
Natural Gas Conversions
Hours: Tuesday – Friday 9:00-6:00
Public should call in advance
Top Stop
2010 N Park Ave
Park City UT 84060
Joe - 435-649-3689
CNG Public Fueling Station
Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Williams Northwest Pipeline
599 S 500 E
Vernal, UT 84078-4442
John Davis, Manager – 801-584-06852
Natural Gas Pipeline & Fleet
850 S Carbon Ave
Price UT 84501
Leigh Mecham- 435-637-4002
CNG Public Fueling Station
WEEK 2: November 14th – 18th
Utah State University
1400 E 900 N
Logan, UT 84321
Alden Erickson - 801-538-3440 (alden.erickson@usu.edu)
CNG Shuttle, Fueling Station & Research for Algae for biodiesel
Hours: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
LW's Conoco
1050 W 200 N
Logan, UT 84321
Larry Miller -435-753-7461
CNG Public Fueling Station
LW's Travel Plaza
1674 W 1100 S
Brigham City, UT
Larry Miller - 435-723-9999
CNG Public Fueling Station
Flying J Travel Plaza
1172 W 2100 S,
Ogden, UT 84401
Rocky, General Manager - 801-399-5577
CNG Public Fueling Station
1596 W 2650 S STE 103
Ogden, UT 84401
Bryan Wilcox - 1-866-931-8940
CNG Conversions
Chevron - JP's American Car Care
1350 E 700 S
Clearfield, UT 84015
Kim Hugie - 801-773-7222
Ethanol (E85) Public Fueling Station
CNG America Auto Sales
Call - Kim Hugie: 801-389-6233
CNG Conversions
Go Natural CNG
2023 S 625 W
Woods Cross, UT 84087
Rick Oliver or Jack Falkenrath – 801-677-1176
CNG Conversions & Manufacturing Kits
Hours: 9:00 am- 5:00pm
Washaki Renewable
2400 N 7950 W
Plymouth, UT 84330
Sam Powell - 435-866-2292/801-995-8045 (samp@wrebiofuels.com)
Biodiesel Producer
Hours: TBA
Associated Foods LNG Trucks
1825 W 2550 N
Ogden, UT 84401
Kris Romeril – 801-978-8450 (KCRomeril@afstores.com)
Glen Keysaw - 801-786-8840
LNG Trucks
WEEK 3: November 28th – December 1st
Sevier School District
180 E 600 N
Richfield, UT 84701
Deloss Christensen - 435-896-8214
CNG Bus Fleet
Zion National Park
Zion Park Blvd
Springdale UT 84767
Jack Burns, Chief, Concessions Management - 435-772-0145
Propane Shuttle Fleet
Chevron Coral Canyon Market
41 N 6300 W
Hurricane, UT 84737
O.C. Levitt - 435-628-4858
CNG Public Fueling Station
Washington City Fleet Facility
1302 Washington Dam Rd
Washington City, UT 84780
Tracy Comas - 435-656-6333
CNG Public Fueling Station
St. George Shell
915 E Saint George Blvd
Saint George UT 84770
Ron - 435-656-1350
CNG Public Fueling Station
Guy's Automaster
583 N 3050 E
St. George, UT 84790
Guy S. Simkins - 435-627-9212
CNG Conversions
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm
St. George Express
PO box 2499
Saint George, UT 84771
Jan Miller – 435-652-1100 (info@stgeorgeexpress.com)
Shuttle Service & Natural Gas Fleet
Cedar Service Center
260 E 2015 N
Cedar City, UT 84720
Questar Gas - 801-324-3900
CNG Private Station
KB Express
734 S Main St
Cedar City, UT 84720
Mike Whitney - 435-586-1344
CNG Public Fueling Station
Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am-3:00 pm
St. George Shuttle
790 South Bluff Street
St. George, UT 84770
Janet - 435-628-8320
Shuttle Service & Natural Gas Fleet
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Idle Free Salt Lake!

Idling exemptions:
· Idling while in traffic, at control signal or at the direction of a police officer
· Idling as needed to operate heaters or air conditioners where temp is below 32 or above 90, for health or safety or passengers and service animals.
· Idling to operate defrosters.· Idling for emergency vehicles (fire apparatus, ambulance, etc).
· Idling for ensure safe operation of a vehicle
· Idling for testing, service, repair, installation, maintenance or diagnostic purposes.
· Idling to warm up or cool down turbo charged vehicle.
· Idling to operate auxiliary equipment for which the vehicle was designed – such as a lift, crane, hoist, cement mixer or utility vehicle.
· Idling as needed to ensure safe loading and unloading of goods or people.
· Idling to recharge battery or energy unit of a hybrid vehicle.
· Idling as needed for vehicles that house K-9 service animals.
· Idling by on duty policy offers to perform duties.
· Idling in drive throughs if the drive through business has adequate idle-free signage. (This was a new addition presented by the Mayor and made by the council before the ordinance passed on October 25th.)
Other Helpful Facts:
· There is a six month grace period before ordinance will be enforced (Enforcement begins April 25th). During this six month period they city will engage in an extensive public education campaign.
· First citation of this ordinance is a warning.
· Second citation, if paid within ten days is $50.
· SLC is now one of MANY jurisdictions in the country that has an idling law. New York City, Denver, Minneapolis, Austin, Washington, DC, Connecticut, Delaware all have idling limits.
· The City Council has asked the administration to return one year’s time to evaluate the success of the ordinance. If things need fine tuning, they will be address it at that time.
· The Mayor’s Office (and the Council) see this ordinance as one tool in the toolbox for addressing air quality. They have committed themselves to find ways to improve traffic light synchronization, to encourage mass transit, to create walkable neighborhoods and to pursue an array of air quality improving options.
SLC Ordinance Homepage: http://www.slcgov.com/idlefree/default.htm
Final ordinance transmitted to the City Council: https://dotnet.slcgov.com/Mayor/MayorCouncilTransmittals/Documents/p601_.PDF
Public comment report: http://www.slcgov.com/idlefree/comments.pdf
Frequently Asked Questions: http://www.slcgov.com/idlefree/faq.pdf
To learn more about idling: http://www.consumerenergycenter.org/myths/idling.html
Monday, October 24, 2011
SmartDrive Study Finds Eco-Driving Improves Fuel Economy 22% in Commercial Transportation Fleets

Study Identified Fuel-Wasting Maneuvers and How to Change Them
SAN DIEGO, Oct 17, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- SmartDrive Systems, a leader in fleet safety and operational efficiency, today announced the results of its Commercial Transportation Fuel Efficiency Study at the American Trucking Association's Management Conference and Exhibition in Grapevine, TX. The findings reveal that commercial fleets can reduce fuel consumption on average as much as 22%, saving more than $12,500 per vehicle annually, by engaging in fuel-efficient, eco-driving best practices.
"With the volatility of fuel prices, reducing fuel consumption is increasingly important in controlling operating expenses for commercial transportation fleets," noted SmartDrive President Jason Palmer. "Our study documented a significant opportunity to increase fuel efficiency by addressing the 80% of fuel waste that can be improved through softer driving. The study also shows that training and real-time in-cab feedback combine to dramatically lower the incidence of wasteful maneuvers."
The study evaluated 695 tractor-trailers, heavy-duty trucks and drivers in multiple U.S. locations to assess the effect of driving performance on fuel consumption and the impact of training and in-vehicle instant feedback on improving fuel economy. Study data was compiled by SmartDrive sensors and recorders, then analyzed and training recommendations provided. Real-time in-vehicle feedback on driving maneuvers and idling gave drivers the ability to adjust driving performance as it happened. Post-training performance was measured showing substantial reductions in the number and severity of hard accelerations, hard decelerations and hard turns.
"Within two months, the top 25% of drivers improved their fuel economy from 5.92MPG to 7.98MPG, or 22%. That's a real savings that any commercial fleet operator would appreciate," Palmer added.
For a copy of the SmartDrive Commercial Transportation Fuel Efficiency Study, please visit booth 340 at the ATA Conference, or download it at www.smartdrive.net .
About SmartDrive Systems
SmartDrive delivers innovative solutions that make it easy to improve driver safety and reduce operating cost. SmartDrive records comprehensive video-based data from the road, then thoroughly reviews and scores critical events and recommends action for fleet managers to quickly respond and deliver sustainable savings - all through an easy-to-use managed service. Commercial transportation fleets using SmartDrive solutions include Buzzuto's, Linfox, Roadstar, Verst, Lynch, Angelica, Reyes Holdings. The company has compiled the world's largest storehouse - more than 34 million events - of real-time, risky-driving incidents. SmartDrive Systems is based in San Diego, CA, and employs over 375 people worldwide. For more information, please visit www.smartdrive.net .
SOURCE: SmartDrive Systems
SmartDrive Media Relations
Jim White, 619-955-6430
Thursday, October 20, 2011
New Go Natural CNG facility in Tulsa

Media Contact: Jack Falkenrath, 801-281-4766, jfalkenrath@gonaturalcng.com
Go Natural CNG announces Grand Opening of additional facility in Tulsa
Woods Cross, UT - Go Natural CNG announced today that they are opening an additional sales and installation facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma. To celebrate the addition of the new 7,000 square foot location, a Grand Opening is being held on Tuesday October 25th at 10:30 AM. The address is 4116 South 88th East Avenue - Tulsa, Oklahoma and the public is invited. Food will be served and several local dignitaries are expected to be in attendance, including Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett.
Lucas Kjar, CEO of Go Natural CNG stated that he is excited to be opening the new facility in Tulsa. He said “Our research revealed that Oklahoma is the ideal place to expand our CNG vehicle conversion business. Local government officials have been very supportive and enthusiastic. Plus, the state incentives for CNG are among the highest in the nation and at just 78 cents per GGE, the price of CNG fuel in Oklahoma is extremely affordable.” Mr. Kjar went on to say that Go Natural CNG has already signed a contract with the city of Owasso to convert over forty vehicles and that work on these conversions will begin immediately following the Grand Opening celebration.
Go Natural’s partner, AutoSource Motors, will be sharing the new Oklahoma facility. While Go Natural CNG focuses on turn-key solutions for fleets, the goal of AutoSource Motors will be to create the area’s largest offering of publicly available ready-to-go natural gas powered cars, trucks and vans.
About: Founded in 2008, Go Natural CNG manufactures Fuel Interface Modules, EPA certified vehicle conversion kits, CSA certified CNG hoses and hydraulic natural gas compression units. Many of Go Natural CNG’s key employees have over twenty years of experience in the natural gas vehicle conversion business. Go Natural CNG’s company headquarters are located in Woods Cross, Utah. The facility is 35,000 square feet on 4 acres and includes 19 bays for small to mid-size vehicles and 10 bays that are large enough to accommodate buses and long haul trucks. For more information call 801-281-4766 or visit www.gonaturalcng.com.

Grants & Loans Now Available for Clean Fuels in Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah – The Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) announced today it will award a total of $250,000 in grants and another $250,000 in loans from the Clean Fuels Grant and Loan Program to help businesses and government entities purchase clean fuel technologies.
“The collaboration between state, local governments and the business community to make these projects successful is a demonstration of the commitment being made to help alleviate the unique air quality challenges we face in Utah and encourage clean transportation options that support the State’s 10-year energy plan and economic development for businesses,” said Amanda Smith, executive director of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).
Since 2009, DAQ has awarded a total $743,818 in grants and $790,047 in loans. Projects have included the conversion of cars, trucks, and shuttle buses to natural gas as well as the purchase of natural gas refuse trucks, freight trucks, transit buses, and refueling stations.
Proposals must be submitted to DAQ by 5:00 p.m. on December 15, 2011. The awards will be announced in March.
For more information, visit: www.cleanfuels.utah.gov.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Southwest Utah Public Health Foundation 2011 Air Quality Gala
The Southwest Utah Public Health Foundation is holding its First Annual Gala Fund-raising Dinner on Saturday, October 22, 2011 at the Courtyard Marriott at 6 p.m. Sterling Poulson, Senior Meteorologist at KUTV 2News, will be the featured speaker.
The net proceeds will benefit the Southwest Utah Public Health Foundation, allowing them to purchase air quality monitors for use in their local district.
The Gala will also feature a silent auction and live music.
Tickets to the Gala are $40 each, $75 for a couple, or $300 for a table of 6. They can be purchased by calling 986-2585 or by visiting the Southwest Utah Public Health Department at 620 South 400 East, Suite 400

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
BAF Natural Gas Conversions now available at AVS.

Contact:Bry Granger
Alternative Vehicle Solutions
255 W 2950 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Phone: 801-463-0444
Salt Lake City, UT – August 22, 2011 –Alternative Vehicle Solutions (AVS), a tier 1 supplier for General Motors Alternative Fuel Division, ISO-9001 Compliant manufacturer, installer and distributor of Compressed Natural Gas systems. AVS is pleased to announce that we are now an authorized dealer of Natural Gas conversions from BAF, a Clean Energy Company (NYSE:CLNE). BAF, founded in 1992, is the largest manufacturer of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) systems for FORD vehicles in the United States. BAF is the only CNG upfitter designated by the Ford Motor Company as a Qualified Vehicle Modifier (QVM) for gaseous-fueled vehicles. BAF’s alternative fuel vehicle upfitting capabilities include aftermarket compressed natural gas conversions of Ford-manufactured vans, cutaway shuttles, taxis, pick-ups and light-duty trucks.
Scott Brandeberry, V.P. of Operations at AVS said, “By adding BAF conversions to our lineup we are giving or customers’ options and delivering on our promise to provide only the highest quality products and services.”
Robert Sessa BAF Western Regional Sales Manager quoted, “We could not be happier that we have teamed up with a company that shares the same quality goals as our own, AVS is a great addition to our installer network.”
For Information: http://www.avs-cng.com
or Contact: bry@avs-cng.com
Phone: 801-463-0444
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Looking for a CNG hose manufacturer?

Woods Cross, Utah - Go Natural CNG is now manufacturing custom CNG hose assemblies. These assemblies are available in 3/8” and ½” inside diameters and can be used for CNG vehicles, CNG dispensers, CNG fuel transfer and at home CNG refueling. All of Go Natural’s CNG hose assemblies comply with NFPA 52, ANSI/IAS NGV 4.2-1999 and CSA 12.52-M99 certification requirements.
Each hose is constructed with an electrically conductive nylon core that is designed to dissipate static build-up. These hoses also include fiber reinforcement that helps maximize pressure capabilities while remaining flexible. The outside of the hoses are covered with a red polyurethane jacket that provides abrasion resistance and protection from outdoor elements, including ultraviolet light. In compressor or dispensing applications, Go Natural installs protective wire spring guards over the end of each hose.
Once an order is placed, Go Natural manufactures the hose assemblies to the length the customer specifies. The manufacturing process includes the installation of permanent crimp fittings and wire spring guards (as necessary). Before being shipped, each hose assembly is conductivity tested and pressure tested to 10,000 PSI.
Custom hose orders are typically shipped within 48 hours. To place orders or get more information call 801-281-4766 or visit www.gonaturalcng.com/hoses.
About: Go Natural CNG specializes in the creation and distribution of CNG conversion kits, CNG hoses and hydraulic natural gas compressors for fueling stations. Go Natural CNG also offers new replacement engine long blocks that are engineered for CNG use.

Jack Falkenrath
Friday, September 23, 2011
Idle Free Service Saves Over 4,000 Tons of Diesel Emissions

September 23, 2011
Robin Erickson
(435) 652-4721 Ext. 138
SALT LAKE CITY –As part of its ongoing support of Idle Free Utah, IdleAir is working with Utah Clean Cities to give drivers and fleets an opportunity to “Turn your key, be idle free.” In conjunction with Idle Free Awareness Month, Utah Clean Cities will be giving away a total of $500 of IdleAir service to reduce vehicle emissions and help improve air quality along the Wasatch Front.
The Idle Free Awareness campaign began as a weeklong initiative in 2008 with the support of Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker and Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon. Since its inception, the program has grown into a month long endeavor with the support of Governor Gary Herbert and over 40 Utah mayors.
“Reducing our idling time is an action each of us can take to help improve our local air quality,” Mayor Ralph Becker said. “As our Council continues to consider an ordinance to establish a citywide idle free policy, we appreciate Utah Clean Cities, IdleAir and Sapp Bros. Travel Centers partnering with us to promote practices that will lead to cleaner, healthier air here in Utah.”
Since 2008, Utah Clean Cities and its partners have actively promoted Idle Free education in Utah schools. Now IdleAir and Sapp Bros are helping take the message to the long haul driver community.
“The surrounding community is very important to us here at Sapp Bros,” said Holly Cunningham, general manager. “Our goal for the IdleAir project is to reduce the unnecessary idling that detracts from the local air quality, and to use this opportunity to educate drivers about the financial and environmental benefits of being Idle Free.”
IdleAir is an electrification station that allows drivers to turn off their engines and plug in, giving them an alternative to idling during rest periods. With IdleAir, drivers enjoy the comfort of conditioned air and entertainment options while saving money and getting better sleep without the noise, vibration, and exhaust fumes from idling. Local drivers can use IdleAir at the Sapp Bros travel center, located at 1953 California Avenue in Salt Lake City (I-215, Exit 21/California Ave), as well as at 20 other locations around the country.
“Reduced idling is a simple and easy way we can improve our air quality,” said Mayor Corroon. “I applaud Utah Clean Cities, IdleAir, and Sapp Bros Travel Centers for raising awareness and giving truck drivers an opportunity to be idle free right here in Salt Lake County.”
IdleAir has provided over 400,000 hours of idle free service, and has reduced our demand for foreign oil by over 400,000 gallons in Salt Lake City alone. By choosing IdleAir as an idle free alternative, drivers and fleets have helped mitigate over 4,000 metric tons of CO2 from the atmosphere.
For more information: http://www.idleair.com and http://utahcleancities.org.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
September Clean Cities Question of the Month
What are the top 10 resources for reliable and unbiased information about alternative fuels, advanced vehicles and other petroleum reduction strategies?
1. Alternative Fuels & Advanced Vehicles Data Center (AFDC): http://www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/
The AFDC is a comprehensive clearinghouse of data, publications, tools, and information related to alternative fuels, advanced vehicles, idle reduction, fuel economy, and other petroleum reduction strategies. The AFDC Tools page (http://www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/applications.html) is a one-stop-shop for links to tools, database searches, calculators, and interactive maps available through the AFDC, including the Alternative Fuel Station Locator, Vehicle Searches, Incentives and Laws Search, and Publication Search.
2. Clean Cities: http://www.cleancities.energy.gov/
The national Clean Cities website includes links to relevant news, events, and publications; program and coalition contacts; financial opportunities; and Coordinator Toolbox resources.
3. Fueleconomy.gov: http://www.fueleconomy.gov/
Fueleconomy.gov allows users to search for fuel economy information for light-duty vehicles models through the Find and Compare Cars tools. In addition, the website includes a search tool for cars that do not use gasoline, verified gas mileage tips, and Your MPG fuel economy tracking tool.
4. U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)'s Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels: http://www.eia.gov/renewable/alternative_transport_vehicles/index.cfm
EIA collects, analyzes, and disseminates information about energy production and use in the United States. On an annual basis EIA publishes their Alternatives to Traditional Transportation report, which summarizes data on the number of alternative fuel vehicles supplied and in use, and the amount of alternative fuel consumed. Please note that the data published is generally two years delayed; 2010 data will be available in the spring of 2012. EIA also publishes data on conventional fuel prices and production, as well as other topics of interest.
5. DOE's Energy Policy Act (EPAct) Information
The following DOE websites provides information about EPAct regulatory activities:
a. EPAct Transportation Regulatory Activities: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/vehiclesandfuels/epact/index.html
This website provides information on vehicles and fuel use requirements for state
government and alternative fuel providers fleets, as well as the EPAct definition of an
"alternative fuel"
b. Federal Fleet Management:
This website provides information about federal fleet requirements under EPAct and other
6. DOE National Laboratories
The DOE national labs perform research, implement programs, and publish documents related to alternative fuels and advances vehicles. A full list of labs and technology centers is available on the DOE website: http://energy.gov/offices . The labs involved with Clean Cities include Argonne National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, National Energy Technology Laboratory, and National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
7. Clean Cities Coalitions
Coalitions around the country are deploying alternative fuels and advanced vehicles, educating their stakeholders and the public, and engaging their communities. The coalition websites and coordinator contact information listed on DOE's Clean Cities website (http://www.afdc.energy.gov/cleancities/coalitions/coalition_locations.php) are great resources for information and case studies. You may also reach out to the coordinator listserv with specific questions.
8. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): http://www.epa.gov/
EPA administers a number of different programs aimed at reducing vehicle emissions. For example, the EPA website features information on the following:
a. Alternative Fuel Conversion Regulations (including an Excel spreadsheet of EPA-compliant conversion systems): http://epa.gov/otag/consumers/fuels/altfuels/altfuels.htm
b. Renewable Fuels Standard: http://www.epa.gov/otag/fuels/renewablefuels/index.htm
c. Aftermarket Retrofit Device Evaluation "511" Program: http://www.epa.gov/otag/consumer/reports.htm
9. Other Federal Government Agencies
Several other federal government agencies implement programs and regulations related to alternative fuels and advanced vehicles. These agencies include the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; U.S. Department of Agriculture; and U.S. Internal Revenue Service. The AFDC Incentives & Laws database provides information and links for additional information about federal incentives, laws, regulations, and programs by agency at the following website: http://www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/laws/fed_summary/Agency .
10. State and Government Agencies
State and local government agencies are great resources for information about regulations and programs in your area. the National Association of State Energy Officials maintains a list of state and territory energy office websites and contacts (http://www.naseo.org/members/states/ ). Likewise, the EPA posts a list of state and territorial environmental agency websites (http://www.epa.gov/epahome/state/htm). In addition, many state agency contacts are listed on the AFDC State Incentives and Laws website (http://www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/laws/state).
Industry associations and nonprofit organizations can also provide useful information specific to certain fuel or technology types or issue areas. For example, NAFA Fleet Management Association (http://www.nafa.org/) and ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability (http://www.iclei.org/) can be helpful resources.
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team
Saturday, August 20, 2011
August Clean Cities Question of the Month
What is the status of E15 implementation now that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted the recent Clean Air Act (CAA) waivers?
In March 2009, EPA received a formal CAA waiver request from the ethanol industry to raise the allowable ethanol content in gasoline for conventional passenger vehicles from 10% (E10) to 15% (E15). In October 2010, after an extensive evaluation, EPA granted a partial waiver for the use of E15 in Model Year (MY) 2007 and newer light-duty vehicles. In January 2011, EPA granted a second partial waiver for the use of E15 in MY 2001 and newer light-duty vehicles.
So when will I see E15 at my local gas station?
The EPA waivers were just the first step in the process of bringing E15 to the market. State and federal agencies have begun to tackle the many additional issues that must be addressed. In the last two months, EPA has made the following announcements:
- E15 Labeling and Other Requirements.
On June 27, the EPA finalized new requirements to help ensure that E15 is properly labeled and used once it enters the market. Specifically, this rule outlined a label that must appear on all E15 fueling pumps to alert customers that the fuel may only be used in certain vehicles. In addition, the rule officially prohibits misfueling MY 2000 and older conventional gasoline vehicles with E15 and sets other requirements for E15 producers, distributors, and sellers. For more information, refer to the final rule in the Federal Register. - Underground Storage Tank Guidance.
On July 5, the EPA finalized guidance for owners and operators of underground storage tanks (USTs) containing ethanol blends greater than E10. The guidance will assist these entities USTs to be compatible with the fuel stored. For more information, refer to the final guidance in the Federal Register.
Before any fuel can be sold in the United States, manufacturers must register it with EPA's Fuel and Fuel Additives program. As of August 10, 2011, E15 had not yet been fully registered with EPA. Other federal regulations must also be addressed. In addition, statewide laws and regulations limiting sale of E15 must be amended before the fuel can be sold in certain states. These state provisions include ethanol blend cap restrictions, biofuels mandates, and technical fuel specification standards.
Supplemental Information and Resources
It will no doubt take time to update laws and regulations to allow the sale of E15, and address other barriers. An exact timeframe is not known. For more information on the EPA partial waivers and to stay up-to-date on new developments related to E15, please reference the following resources:
- EPA's E15 website
- Alternative Fuels & Advanced Vehicles Data Center (AFDC)'s Technology Bulletin:E15 Approved for Use in 2001 and New Vehicles
In addition, the U.S. Government Accountability (GAO) Office recently published a report, Biofuels: Challenges to the Transportation, Sale and Use of Intermediate Ethanol Blends, which identifies three additional key challenges to the retail sale of E15 and other intermediate ethanol blends:
- Compatibility
Intermediate ethanol blends may degrade or damage some materials used in existing UST systems and dispensing equipment, potentially causing leaks. Studies that test fuel storage and dispensing components and equipment are needed to fully understand the effects of intermediate ethanol blends. - Cost
New storage and dispensing equipment that is compatible with intermediate ethanol blends may be needed to sell the full at retail outlets. Currently, according to the GAO, the total cost of installing a compatible single-tank UST system and fuel dispenser is estimated to be more than $120,000. Cost will range widely depending on equipment replacement needs. - Liability
Many fuel retailers are concerned about potential liability issues if consumers misfuel their MY 2000 or older automobiles or non-road engines with E15. This issue was partially addressed by the recent E15 labeling rule, but concerns may still exist.
The GAO report identifies several ongoing EPA and U.S. Department of Energy studies that are addressing these and other challenges.
Clean Cities Technical Response Service Team